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1:1 Private Sessions

Get refocused, recharged, and realigned to tackle the challenges you are facing! During your Power Hour with The Enlightened Divorcée, Metrisa Rene', you will have a safe space to express yourself authentically and will leave feeling fully supported with tools you need to overcome the challenges you are facing. 

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In-Person Experience

Overwhelmed by life and wish you could just escape? Then this experience is for you! Spend 24-hours in Los Angeles with The Enlightened Divorcee where she pours love into you, helps you get the root of cause of the challenges you are facing and provides advice, perspective, and tools to tackle what life is throwing your way. 

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12-Week Transformation

The Enlightened Divorcée will lead & support you through a 12-week transformational process to level up & redesign your life to live authentically. Step into your future healed, at peace, and empowered with unapologetic confidence and a personalized plan to create the powerful life you desire and deserve.

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Discover & Love Yourself

Learn what impacts your ability to maintain emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Identify your core-values, personal preferences, and strengths. Walk away with a strategy to align your actions to love & honor yourself every day.

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Face Your Fears

Identify and understand the emotions & fears holding you back from living authentically. Learn tools and strategies for managing your emotions and overcoming fears that hold you back from living the life you desire and deserve.

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Boundaries = Self-Love

Understand the correlation between boundaries & self-love. Learn what you need to feel safe and loved, how to communicate your needs, & enforce healthy boundaries that prioritize your well-being & reinforce your self-love.

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Desires, Wants & Needs

Imagine the life you desire, identify what you want, and create clarity on what you NEED to make decisions that align with your future goals and long-term well-being. 

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Empowered Action

Learn how to prioritize what truly matters to you and create a plan that empowers you to make choices and take action from a place of authenticity.

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